expert in a field

美 [ˈekspɜːrt ɪn ə fiːld]英 [ˈekspɜːt ɪn ə fiːld]
  • 行业专家
expert in a fieldexpert in a field
  1. The 10000-Hour Rule says that you need approximately 10000 hours of practice to become a world-class expert in a field .


  2. To meet a great expert in a field and regard him as a malformed child is not a winning social grace .


  3. Or simply training them as an expert in a particular field ?


  4. Ace : an expert in a given field .


  5. If man is expert in a special field of study , heaven will grant man 's wish


  6. In order to cultivate qualified foreign students who are expert in a special field of study and friendly with China , the ideological education on them should be strengthened .


  7. Is it forcing the students to echo every word that the teacher says in class ? _or_simply training them as an expert in a particular field ?


  8. So long as the method is apt , even under the environment of existing education , we can transform most bad students , thus make every student of us is it have income to learn , to some extent can study , expert in a special field of study .


  9. You need to be an expert in a highly specialised field .
